Top Writing Tips
Sometimes there is so much to remember when we’re writing that it’s easy to forget some things, but all it takes is some quick and easy tips to give ourselves that little push to make sure we’ve covered all the necessary elements to write a good story. So, to make sure you don’t miss the obvious, here are some quick and easy writing tips:- 1. BANG! That’s your opening gambit. Or something very similar. In other words, start your story at a pivotal moment in your character’s life, a moment of change, a moment of jeopardy, or even a bang; something that makes the reader instantly sit up and take notice. Don’t ever start a story with lots of backstory. That means the reader would have to wade through three of four pages of boring information before anything notable happens. Your opening chapter, and your opening sentence, should grab the reader and throw them right into the action, right from the outset. 2. Tempt, Tease & Tantalise Sell the story like you mean it