Creating Tone in Your Writing
How often do writers think about tone? Not that often. That’s probably because writers rarely think about what it is or know how to use it. So what exactly is tone? And how can it be used in fiction writing? When we talk about tone , it means the overall manner or attitude that the writer has toward the subject of the novel and the way it is approached. It can also cover the themes in a novel. Writers like to set the tone from the outset, and if you read your favourite authors, you will notice tone in their work. Tone can take on many forms – it can be subtle, overt, serious, sad, amusing, chilling, atmospheric, or anything you want it to be, and very often such tones also reflect the themes that run through the novel and in fact tone is not that different to tone of voice – it’s the pitch or resonance of how we say things, rather than what we actually say. Tone in writing is no different – it’s how you write, and the words you choose, rather than what you actually s