The Art of Creating Plot Twists
Having a great story idea is one thing, but no story is complete without a plot twist or two to give it that extra gravitas and intrigue. But what exactly is a plot twist? And what do they achieve? A plot twist is basically an unexpected direction that the narrative takes. They are designed to keep the reader guessing, to maintain a level of interest and atmosphere, and to move the story in a new direction – in other words it helps maintain the momentum of the story and helps to move it forward. Plot twists are also useful for wrong footing the reader by making them think something might happen in a certain way, when in fact the complete opposite takes place and thus it surprises them. The idea is to make the reader comfortable with the story, and then change direction. This ploy keeps them turning the page. Some writers foreshadow these plot twists, through subtle hints and symbolism, so the reader may become aware that something might happen. They