How to Make Readers Care About Your Story
It’s an age-old question. How do you make your readers care about your story? It’s the ultimate goal for writers, to make their readers care enough about the story and characters, because that is what makes them read your book and continue reading right until the end. There isn’t a straight forward answer for this one simply because there is so much involved in the process and lots for a writer to consider. It’s not really about the story, per se, because the story can be about anything, and so it becomes a secondary thing, but it’s how the writer uses the characters within the story that makes us care about what happens and therefore it makes us care about the overall story. We want the characters to reach their goal, we want them to win the day, we want them to succeed, and that’s because we care about what happens to them. How do we care? Firstly, you should write the story for the reader, not yourself. This is vitally important. It is not your story. So many writers