Does there have to be a moral to every story?
Every story has something to say and every story conveys a message to the reader, whether it’s something about the world in general, or about the human condition, and the kind of issues that relate to all of us. These are all relayed through the characters that inhabit the story. Any intended message can be overt, subtle or implied. The moral of a story is not to be confused with the author’s personal thoughts and feelings, because as a rule, an author should never personally intrude a story. Instead, morals are the products of our observations and the issues that impact all of us, and how we can learn and grow from them. Think of the snippets of wisdom given to you by your parents or grandparents – these are the basis of various morals adapted by society and used for generations. Our lives are dictated by morality, and fiction is no different. Even from the dawn of time, storytellers have included morals in their tales; they all want to give us a message of some sort, wh