The Dreaded Synopsis – Part 2
In this second part we’ll look at how to structure the synopsis. It’s important to stress that there is no absolutes here, no “right” way of doing things, simply because all agents are different and they’re looking for different things. But what they do look for is a wells structured, cohesive synopsis that tells them what they need to know, which is presented in exactly the way they ask. The formatting should be perfect. That means it’s correctly presented, with no spelling mistakes or typos. The margins, line spacing and font should also be correct. This is where you have to pay particular attention to what agents require. Some are happy with 1.5 spacing, others like 2 point. Ensure a 1” margin all round. If the agent asks for Arial font, then follow the instruction. Others might want TNR. Always follow what they require. Make sure you have the title of the book and your name at the top of the synopsis. Don’t just write ‘Synopsis’. Write something like: ‘Synops