Creating Anticipation
Anticipation isn’t at the forefront of a writer’s mind, but it’s an equally important element for creating a good, page turning story. Isn’t anticipation the same as tension? Not quite. Writers use tension like a rubber band, they flex it to heighten tense moments during a story and then loosen their grip when they want to relax things or lull the reader into a false sense of security, but creating anticipation is a little different. A sense of anticipation is all about expectation . The reader is expecting something to happen; they’re expecting Character A will do something drastic, they’re expecting the story to conclude with a showdown…and so on. In a way, the reader is quietly predicting what will happen as the story unfolds, so writers need to divert that expectation so that the plot isn’t as predictable as readers think. And the way writers do that is by creating uncertainty and doubt to develop a different sense of anticipation. Think of a football competition – one team w