Reasons Why We Write – Part 2
We continue our look at the reasons why we write and the characteristics that make us so distinct. We all have specific reasons why we write, and not everyone does it for egotistical or monetary reasons, or the need to be the centre of attention. Some people write for the simple enjoyment of telling stories. I write because I just want to entertain Who doesn’t? Money or fame isn’t so important to this type, just so long as someone, somewhere, reads what they have written and enjoys it. These writers like to know that what they’ve written interests the reader, that it makes an impact somehow. Their satisfaction comes from this knowledge. These types may not be as serious as the ones who are driven by the raw love of writing, but they enjoy the process nonetheless. These types are usually great short story writers; they instinctively know what their readers want, they seem to tune into it. The result is an entertaining good read. I write because I