Perfect Punctuation – Part 2
Part 1 covered exclamation marks, semi-colons, em-dashes, ellipses and question marks. This week we’ll look at commas, quote marks, hyphens and apostrophes. The comma, like the exclamation mark, is probably the most misused of all punctuation marks. While full stops (periods) end a sentence, commas can highlight an extremely short pause within the narrative, they can separate clauses or they can separate items in a list of three or more. Commas also help join two independent clauses with a conjunction, which are necessary if you start a sentence with a dependent clause. Beginners often misuse commas by placing them in the wrong place within sentences, using them incorrectly or by not using them at all. The following examples show correct use: ' You know, I figured that was going to happen.’ (Signifies short pause). She collected mint, sage, oregano and parsley. (Separates items in a list). One common result of incorrect comma use is the comma splice. This happ