Keeping Continuity
Continuity errors might seem one of the least important aspects of a writer’s list of things to watch out for, but they are easy to make and sometimes difficult to spot and yet remain an important part of the writing method. Writing a novel isn’t an instant process. It takes months (years even), and during that time it is feasible and sometimes unavoidable that writers will inadvertently create continuity errors, simply because it’s hard to remember what happened on page 12 when you’re at page 200 of the story and you’re beavering away to get it completed. Just as in movies, the mistakes can sometimes be glaring or sometimes quite subtle, but they are errors nonetheless. Common Errors:- Time – Time of year, time of key scenes etc. Place – Setting, place names etc. Characterisation – Clothes, personal objects, birthdays, names, traits etc. Plotting – Plot flaws and gaping inconsistencies. Objects Time continuity errors happen because writers forget timeframes. A writ