Too Much v. Too Little Description – Part 1
I’ve written
about this subject before, back in 2011, but it still seems to endlessly confuse
writers on what is deemed the right amount of description in a novel,
particularly when the writer needs to get a lot of information across to the reader
without destroying the fabric of the story or leaving the reader deflated with
the lack of detail.
But getting
the balance right is quite a challenge.
There is a
multitude of advice available where description is concerned. Some advise writers
to keep things minimal, while others agree that description is a necessity and
writers shouldn’t compromise pertinent details, especially as it plays an
important role in embellishing the story.
There are
advantages of using more description, but that doesn’t negate the use of
brevity when it’s needed.
I know I’ve
mentioned this before in other articles, but the holy trinity of description,
narrative and dialogue falls into what is known as the Goldilocks zone – not
too much, not too little, but just about right. And that’s what writers should
aim for with description. It’s about finding a balance.
It has to be
said that more description is sometimes preferred and at other times less
description is better. There is no or wrong. It depends entirely on the scene and
all its elements.
There are a lot of options available to the writer to help him or her
get the balance right.
When more
description is required
It’s entirely acceptable to have lengthy descriptive scenes every now
and then. Certain scenes demand it because description helps the writer convey
different sensations – mood, tension, atmosphere, emotion and pace. For
instance, a foreboding and pensive scene in a darkened house can’t exist on a
minimal description, simply because it gives absolutely nothing to the reader.
They won’t be able to engage with it or visualise it.
More description is needed in these types of scenes so that the writer
can show
the sense of foreboding and tension and the primal fears, to make the
reader almost reach in and feel the atmosphere. In other words, longer
descriptions serve an important function.
At other times, different ‘action’ scenes require more descriptions in
order to allow the reader to imagine they’re part of the story.
Description provides pertinent information that would otherwise be
overlooked, things like background detail and setting.
More description is also necessary when the writer needs to elaborate on
certain scenes to help the reader become part of the story, to become involved
on a personal level, to become absorbed by beautiful the brush strokes and
visual imagery.
When it
becomes a negative
Too much description can become a problem if left unchecked, since it’s
so easy for writers to get carried away while writing. It can be distracting
for a reader when confronted with large swathes of description that doesn’t
really do anything for the story.
When less
description is required
Plenty of writers erroneously believe that description should be brief
and concise, no matter what. Brevity is the new buzzword. But brevity only works
when description demands it, otherwise the resulting novel will simply not be
worth reading because it will provide too much ‘telling’ and will ‘show’ very
Brief description tends to quicken the pace, so it’s very useful for
strong action scenes. The writing uses shorter, staccato words to keep it taut
and fast.
Brief description is also perfect for breaking up long lines of
dialogue. Having the character break from speaking, followed by a brief
description of something – it could be an emotion, something they notice or an
action of some sort -
When it
becomes a negative
Too little description at the right moment will kill the overall effect you
want to achieve because you are not allowing the reader to become involved, you
are not creating enough in the scene to make it interesting, and certainly a
lack of description won’t move the story forward.
The wrong kinds
of description
Amplification, circumlocution, purple prose...these are the kinds of
description that writers should look out for.
Amplification means the writer embellishes the sentence by adding more
information in the hope to increase its comprehension. Sometimes that works,
but often it just creates more description than is necessary. Circumlocution
means the writer creates long and overly complex sentences in order to convey a
meaning that could have otherwise been conveyed through a shorter, simpler
sentence structures. And everyone knows what purple prose is – description that
is just too over the top and flowery and jammed with adjectives.
Another one is the info dump, where too much mind-numbing information is
described that serves no purpose for the story and doesn’t move it forward in
any way.
Next week we’ll look at ways to best blend description, choose what to
describe and when and how to make the most of description.
Next week: Too Much v. Too Little Description Part 2
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