Getting to Grips with Short Stories Part 3
- The ending
Endings are just as important as the
openings of stories. That’s because the
ending of a story performs more than one function.
A good ending is when the crux of the
story reaches its pinnacle; that final moment before the climax. Everything in
the story leads up to this moment.
More importantly, the ending of a
story is formed from the natural progression of the narrative. You should never force an ending, otherwise
you run the risk of demolishing the fabric of the story and thus ruining it for
the reader, but also because they will see that it is contrived and forced.
As with novels, short stories don’t
have to have a happy ending. Depending
on the type of story you are writing, you can have a dramatic ending, a sad
ending, a happy ending, or you can have the twist in the tail type of ending
(these need careful consideration and construction in order to work – more on
that next week).
But whatever the genre, the ending
needs to be natural and satisfactory. But what exactly does that mean?
In essence, the ending should leave
the reader satiated, that on the whole, they agree with the final outcome
you’ve constructed, that they have a sense of ‘oh that was great’, or ‘I didn’t
see that coming’ or ‘that was so moving’ etc.
In order to achieve a natural and
satisfactory conclusion, firstly the latter half of the story should to tie up any
loose ends prior to its finale (e.g. don’t leave the reader guessing what
happened to John Doe, last seen dangling from a cliff in the middle of the
story, but then completely forgotten at the end). This does
happen with story construction, where writers become so engrossed in writing it
that they sometimes forget what some characters were doing, so it’s important
that these glitches are sorted.
In addition to that, any questions raised
by the story need to be answered, so don’t leave them unanswered, otherwise the
reader will become annoyed and frustrated.
Something else to consider is this: why
is your character doing what he or she is doing? – remember motivation – and
how have they overcome the barriers in their way? How have they got to this high-point in the
story? What is the likely conclusion?
The ending evolves through the main character
achieving his or her goal. They have
overcome all obstacles to get to the climax (whether it’s a good, bad, sad or
an indifferent ending).
This is sometimes misunderstood by
writers, who assume they must have lots of action and excitement to finish the
story, but actually, a short story isn’t like a novel or an action movie. It doesn’t have to be about explosions and
mayhem and non-stop action. A short
story ending can be subtle or gentle; it can be thought provoking or it might even
shocking and abrupt.
In other words, it’s how
the writer constructs the ending that gives it the greatest impact.
And of course, it should never drag
on. The ending should be swift for maximum effect.
In essence, the conclusion of your
short story needs to achieve several things:-
1. It needs to provide a satisfactory
2. It needs to answer questions posed
in the narrative.
3. The protagonist/antagonist achieves
his/her goal.
4. It is a natural progression of the
story and isn’t forced.
5. It is swift and effective.
And just to make sure certain elements
are not forgotten, a simple checklist helps with construction.
story checklist:
you planned the story?
story is it?
is it about?
is it trying to say? What is the theme?
kind of action is there?
there a varied pace?
you have at least one of the three unities?
there conflict?
is the character’s motivation for his or her actions and subsequent actions?
the ending satisfactory?
it flow naturally?
the ending swift and effective?
The most important thing, however, is
to take the time to think and plan the story, to ask questions, to know the
story you want to tell. It’s better to know
where you want to place key scenes, to know what will happen to the main
character and to know the kind of conclusion the story needs before you start writing.
Next week: How to write twist in the
tale stories
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