Starting Points – Where Should a Story Start?
This is a common question asked by almost all writers. At
which point is the right point to start the story? Where is the best place to
The obvious answer is to start at the beginning, because that’s
where every story starts, but in truth, the story shouldn’t start at the beginning,
not in the literal sense. This sounds like contrary advice, but it actually isn’t. All good editors and writers will agree – a
story should start just after the beginning.
But what does that actually mean?
It’s the general accepted principle that a good story
opens at a crucial or significant moment in the character’s life. Often, you
will come across the ‘Open with a bang’ statement, which advises to open the
story in such as way as to grab the reader’s interest. In essence, this means
the story should jump right into the action, and that means the beginning
of the story should reflect this.
In real terms, however, this action probably wouldn’t
happen until chapter two, when things get going and stuff happens. That’s
because most writers make the common mistake of first ‘setting’ the scene and establishing the story for the reader, which means they spend the first chapter filling several pages
with exposition and backstory before anything significant or important actually
The general advice, then, is to start not at the
beginning – not in the true sense – but to open the novel bang in the middle of
that important, significant moment or with the action, and forego all backstory
and exposition. In reality your second chapter most often should be your first
Start the story where it’s most appropriate. Don’t bore
the reader with pages of backstory or a prologue or huge info dumps. The idea
is to grab the reader’s attention immediately and keep them interested. This
won’t happen if you spend half a dozen pages explaining everything, otherwise
you lose this effect and you lose the reader.
To maximise your opening, starting points should be:
- Interesting or intriguing or mysterious
- Action led
- At a critical moment of the character’s life – a pivotal, decisive turning point.
- In real terms, the crux of your story would most likely be found in your chapter two, so in fictional terms, make chapter two your chapter one opening.
To avoid problems of boring your reader or not engaging
them sufficiently, don’t start the story with any of the following:-
- Prologue
- Backstory
- Indirect exposition
- Info dumps
When you hear advice not to start at the beginning, it means you should do just that and start at the moment that is really the most important.
Next week: Developing a story
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