Creating Suspense & Atmosphere – Part 1
Firstly, let’s start with suspense. Writers love nothing more than dangling an imaginary carrot in front of readers, teasing them to the point that they can barely stand the suspense. But carrot dangling is one of the most effective ways of creating suspense, making the reader desperate to know what happens next. It keeps them turning the page. There are several factors that create suspense:- Characterisation and reader empathy The reader’s concern and worry Anticipation and expectation Exploitation of fears and emotions Impending danger and high stakes Escalating tension and climax Characterisation and Empathy Reader empathy is about giving the main character(s) a deep desire to reach his or her goal and we also give them internal and external struggles to deal with, the kind that readers can identify with, the kind they have been through themselves – things like fears and hopes, or feelings of loneliness, being on the outside and looking in, not bein...